Walgreens scenario week of 1/9/11

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I went to my Walgreens last week and they didn't have any of the free after RR items in stock so I didn't get to do my scenario. :( I went pretty late in the week though, so this week I'm going to head out tomorrow. I don't have any RR to start with this week, so if you'd like to get started this a great scenario for you too!

Transaction #1:

Lazy Town Complete multi w/DHA Gummy Bear 60 ct $5 get $5 RR

Transaction #2:

Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap System Cucumber 8.5 oz $11.99 get $7 RR
No Nonsense Knee Highs $.25 (Filler)

- $3 Lysol Q
- 5 RR
= $4.24 + tax
Earn 7 RR

Transaction #3:
Tylenol Precise $5.99 get $3 RR
Lazy Town Complete multi w/DHA Gummy Bear 60 ct $5 get $5 RR
= $11.99
- $2 Tylenol Q 1/9 SS
- 7 RR
= $1.99 + Tax

Earn 3 and 5 RR

Transaction #4:

EOS shave cream $2.99 get $2 RR

2 x Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 12.6 oz, or stylers 1.9-11.5 oz get $2 RR wyb 2/$7

No Nonsense Knee Highs x 5 @ $.25 (Filler)


-$3 off 2 pantene products (ETS) 12/26/2010 PG

- 3 and 5 RR

= $.24 = Tax oop

Earn 2 and 2 RR

Total OOP for the day- $11.24

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