A House Party is thousands of parties happening across the country on a single day, hosted by people just like you. Each event is sponsored by a leading brand and focuses on something cool–like a new product, hit TV show, or great cause–that the sponsor wants its best fans to experience firsthand and share with their friends.
You host. Everyone wins. House Party lets you share the stuff you like with the people you like, through a fantastic, free party experience. What's the catch? There is none: Our partners understand that if they share something good with the right people in a fun way, we'll all help spread the word.
Here's some info on the Kraft Ultimate Sandwich Makeover House Party:
If selected as a host, your
FREE party pack will contain:
For Host
- 2 Bottles of KRAFT SANDWICH SHOP Mayo
- 5 OSCAR MAYER CARVING BOARD Meats gratuity coupons
- 2 KRAFT Natural Cheese Big Slice gratuity coupons
- 1 branded sandwich container
For Host and Guests
- 16 recipe booklets with coupons for OSCAR MAYER CARVING BOARD Meats, KRAFT Natural Cheese Big Slice, and KRAFT SANDWICH SHOP Mayo
- 16 branded recyclable lunchbags